by Bill Kleyman | Jul 8, 2015 | Blog
Data Center and Cloud Planning: A Managers Checklist for Understanding Your Environment Each data center environment is unique with its own set of requirements and needs. Each infrastructure is designed to host specific types of data, workloads and facilitate the...
by Bill Kleyman | Jun 17, 2015 | Blog
Choosing a Colo: Key Considerations Around Infrastructure & Growth Your data center is a diverse machine of interacting pieces all working together to support your business and your users. This means that organizations must look at their own facilities and...
by Bill Kleyman | May 20, 2015 | Blog
How Power, Cooling, and Management Will Evolve With the Future Data Center and Colo Provider We’re looking towards a very much more interconnected world. In fact, in the very near future – every city, country and business will become a digital entity. Through it all,...
by Bill Kleyman | May 6, 2015 | Blog
Designing a Data Center for a Greener Tomorrow The data center is changing – there’s really no arguing that point. We have new methods of cooling, optimizing the data center and even the utilization of green energy through next-generation geothermal technologies. The...
by Bill Kleyman | Apr 15, 2015 | Blog
The Data Center Architect Must Now Think Cloud As Well The cloud and data center market continue to expand in every direction as IT consumerization and more cloud services attract more users. There are more organizations moving towards a cloud model, more providers...