[SlideShare] Data Center Monitoring and Management Best Practices: How You Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning12 min read
Last month, Upsite Senior Engineer and Company Science Officer, Lars Strong P.E., and EkkoSense Vice President of Americas, Tracy Collins, headlined an educational session at AFCOM’s Data Center World Global Conference in San Antonio, TX. The session, titled Data Center Monitoring and Management Best Practices: How You Can Benefit from Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, discussed the solutions that are currently available to remotely monitor and manage data center operations, with an emphasis on the power and cooling infrastructure. In addition, the session also examined emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning, and discussed how they are changing the landscape of data center monitoring and management.
If you were unable to attend the session, check out the presentation below.
Session Abstract
As data centers have adapted to many changes over the past year, managing sites with limited on-site personnel has become a new challenge. Because of this, a renewed focus by data center managers has been placed on remote monitoring and management solutions to help ensure operations continue to run as efficiently as possible. And while legacy monitoring and DCIM solutions provide some resolve to this issue, ever-changing needs and requirements by data centers are driving much change and innovation in this segment of the industry. This session will examine the software solutions that are currently available to remotely monitor and manage data center operations, with an emphasis on the power and cooling infrastructure. We will also examine emerging technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and virtual reality as well as new concepts like DMaaS, and discuss how they are changing the landscape of data center monitoring and management. This analysis will take many factors into consideration including, real-time thermal performance, airflow management, power consumption, risk mitigation, and cooling optimization.
Real-time monitoring, data-driven optimization.
Immersive software, innovative sensors and expert thermal services to monitor,
manage, and maximize the power and cooling infrastructure for critical
data center environments.
Redefining Data Center Power and Cooling Optimization
Immersive software, innovative sensors and expert thermal services to monitor,
manage, and maximize the power and cooling infrastructure for critical
data center environments.