Welcome to the Upsite Blog
Capturing the Evolution of Data Center Cooling and Airflow ManagementData Center Education and Knowledge
That is what you’ll gain with the Upsite Blog. We’ve been posting for several years now. One might think there is only so much to say about data center cooling and airflow management, but as a testament to our passion, and the ever changing landscape of data centers and computer rooms, we still have plenty left to talk about.
We hope you’ll find the content herein valuable and useful as you begin, or continue, your journey towards data center cooling optimization.
What Stands in the Way of Hybrid Cooling Success?
Liquid cooling gets all the attention. Yet air cooling remains by far the biggest contributor to data center cooling. This will remain the case for some time to come. According to the Uptime Institute’s Cooling Systems Survey of 2023, there has been a big shift in...
Why Demanding AI Workloads Need to Be Isolated in Their Own Environment Within the Data Center
5G is a technology that I've been following very closely for some time. As the potential next iteration of connectivity, 5G solutions have been marketed and talked about quite a bit. But is this really just a marketing fad? Will these technologies hit the mainstream?...
How Facebook Upgraded the Outside Air Cooling System at Their Prineville Data Center
Facebook is very much on the front lines of data center innovation. About a decade ago, it designed the Prineville data center in Oregon from the ground up to achieve the highest levels of efficiency. Prineville boasts a Power Utilization Effectiveness (PUE) of 1.15,...
[VIDEO] The 5 Steps of Optimization with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Software Tools
As we’ve previously discussed, there are many data center monitoring, management, and visualization tools available on the market that are focused on optimizing data center performance. While similar in some aspects, these solutions function much differently than each...
What You Need to Know About Managing the Return Plenum
Back at the birth of data center thermal management as a topic of discussion for only a very small circle of friends, I tried to carve out my position of expertise in a field most folks in the industry didn’t even know was a field yet with a three prong message:...