Welcome to the Upsite Blog
Capturing the Evolution of Data Center Cooling and Airflow ManagementData Center Education and Knowledge
That is what you’ll gain with the Upsite Blog. We’ve been posting for several years now. One might think there is only so much to say about data center cooling and airflow management, but as a testament to our passion, and the ever changing landscape of data centers and computer rooms, we still have plenty left to talk about.
We hope you’ll find the content herein valuable and useful as you begin, or continue, your journey towards data center cooling optimization.
[VIDEO] ASHRAE Data Center Guidelines: Understanding Server Classes
While raising temperatures in the data center has always been a controversial topic, it’s a strategy that has become more common in recent years. With that being said, it’s important to note that implementing airflow management best practices is a vital prerequisite...
Case in Point: Sample Applications of Data Center Economizer Algorithms
I am told there comes a time in all discussions, even academic discussions on building algorithms to forecast comparative energy use for different types of data center economization architectures, where a body finally just has to get to the point. That time would be...
Don’t Let Old Habits and Data Center Gremlins Keep You Up at Night
Very recently, I had the pleasure of leading the AFCOM Leaders Lab in Dallas. Our topic? Data Center Management and all of the wonderful things that fall under it. One of the coolest points was that this session wasn’t just about DCIM concepts. Rather, it was about...
Cooling Efficiency Algorithms: Air-Side Economizers and Temperature Differentials
I prefer the term “economizer” to “free cooling” for obvious enough reasons: It’s not free. Even air-side economization does not merely require opening the windows. Beyond fans to evacuate hot air and capture and distribute cooling air, we have humidity management and...
Top 20 Data Center Trends and Predictions to Watch for in 2019
What changes are in store for the cloud and data center industry in 2019? We set to find out by talking to industry experts Lars Strong (LS), Ian Seaton (IS), Bill Kleyman (BK), and Bob Bolz (BB). Here’s what they had to say: 1. Climate...