by Lars Strong | Dec 11, 2013 | Blog
How to Reduce Excess Cooling Capacity, as Inspired by Ken Brill In the spirit of our founder, Ken Brill, and his “Gold Nuggets” of wisdom on data center efficiency, Upsite examines practical and effective steps to reduce excess cooling capacity. By John...
by Lars Strong | Oct 16, 2013 | Blog
How to Increase Computer Room Temps (and live to tell the story) Currently, data centers are being pushed to reduce operating costs, but most data center managers are afraid to increase temperature set points for fear of causing equipment failure. ASHRAE has raised...
by Lars Strong | Sep 25, 2013 | Blog
Bypass Airflow: How it Affects Your Data Center’s Bottom Line Did you know that 48% of conditioned air in the average data center escapes through unsealed cable openings and misplaced perforated tiles? In fact, the average data center could save as much as...
by Lars Strong | Aug 27, 2013 | Blog
PUE and CCF: Why you need to measure both Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) is a widely used metric for evaluating the overall efficiency of data center infrastructure. In fact, PUE data reveals that the cooling infrastructure is the single largest consumer of data...
by Lars Strong | Aug 20, 2013 | Blog
Server Coldspots: Like a spoiled vacation, they limit your capacity and efficiency The Atlantic in August is the best place to be on a steamy hot day. But, as you paddle out lazily, trying to avoid exuberant children, you might experience an unpleasant shock to your...